What is the Reasonable Use of Force Against the Mentally Ill?

En route to a mental health treatment facility, Joshua Blough got out of his fiancée’s vehicle holding his knife, walked through traffic, and wandered into a residential neighborhood. When he ignored his fiancée’s repeated pleas to get back in the …

Pregnancy Discrimination covers more than pregnancy, says EEOC

The EEOC has issued guidance on pregnancy discrimination that broadens protections for workers and risks for untutored employers. The EEOC states in that guidance that: The fact that the PDA covers not only current pregnancy, but discrimination based on past …

Judge chases Public Defender out of town; no lawsuit

The Sixth Circuit threw out a case by a Public Defender who was run out of town by the local judge in the small town of Gallipolis.  After robust motions and critical comments, Judge Evans would not sit on any …

TASER on arrestee who is neither helpful nor resisting: no immunity

Sixth Circuit holds in the case of an officer who comes upon a suspect in Hardees who has been disruptive, but who is unresponsive and not struggling.  Officer deploys TASER three times in short span to get compliance.  Although officer claims that …